December 2024- New CD!!

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays, from chilly Ohio on the road!

We have the perfect gifts for sale, especially our brand new 8th CD, Christmas Eve Present!  We spent most of the year working on this album, the first since Quirky Boogie in 2016.   Order now from our STORE or get them at any gig.  Our elves can ship them out right away, but don’t delay if you want them in Santa’s sleigh. 

We enjoyed playing Thursdays at the Blue Parrott on St. Pete Beach from February till they closed mid-August.  3 storms/hurricanes in Aug., Sept. & Oct. impacted Tampa Bay areas & many homes & venues badly, & we are searching for new places to play.  Please recommend us to your favorite nightspots!   We’re especially interested in regular (weekly or monthly) house/residence gigs, holiday parties, New Year’s Eve, and Florida, U.S. & Europe shows thru 2025.  

Our 14th Boogie Woogie Blues Piano Stomp was held July 13, 2024 at the Palladium Theatre.  Barry Cuda, Craig Brenner, Henri Herbert and Liz Pennock & Dr. Blues lit up the 2 grand pianos, & Bob Seeley was even in attendance when they played Grapes Wine Cafe July 12.  Sadly, Bob passed away Oct. 15 at age 96…so lucky to have known & witnessed this boogie woogie master’s talent.

Thanks to these Frequent Fans of 2023:  1. Linda M.,  2. Wayne K. (each attended at least 30 shows!), 3. Harvey L., 4. Sue L. (20 shows each),  5. Midge P. (RIP),  6. Ted V.,  7. Cathy C. (RIP),  8. Fran Y.,  9. Dennis Y.,   10. Sara Z.,  11. Alison V.,  12. Susan S.,  13. Harpo,  14. Dan H.,  15. Julie H.  (each attended at least 10 shows).  Ask for your FREE card & join us at any gig- the more the merrier!

Hope to see you soon at our CD Release Parties!  Love to all, Liz & Doc



11/29/2023 News

Season’s Greetings!   CD’s make perfect gifts, for sale on our website or at any show.   We sell lapel pins & squeezable pianos, too.   Special offer:   FREE Walking Mary’s Blues CD with every $20 you spend, expires 12/31/23.   (Do not order that CD online- we’ll ship it with your order automatically!)   Yes, you can still buy CD players, boomboxes & stereos, the best ways to support/enjoy your fave musicians’ art!

It’s hard to believe that Mary’s CD was released 30 years ago on 11/1/1993, Live from St. Pete 20 years ago on 2/15/2003, & Boogie Woogie Staircase 15 years ago on 7/28/2008!   Even more amazing, Dr. Blues & I celebrated 40 years wed on 6/18/2023.  We are blessed!

We were honored with a 2-page feature story in the Feb/Mar 2023 issue of Big City Blues magazine,  a photo in July 2023 Tampa Bay magazine, & a mention in Shana Smith’s 2022 novel Islands of Cedars.   Thank you all!

Thanks to these Frequent Fan winners of 2022:   #1 Linda Meckes, #2 Wayne Kaffai (each came to 30 shows),  #3 Priscilla Hoon (20 shows), #4 Teresa Gonzales-White, & #5 Ellen Streich (10 shows each).   Ask for your FREE card at any show.   

We had an awesome tour in August 2022, including our debuts at Lebanon Blues Fest & Artscape in Ohio, + enjoyable returns to play Slippery Noodle in Indianapolis, Bloomington Boogies, Indiana,  Diamond Teeth Mary Fest in Huntington, WV, & Adelphia Music Hall in Marietta, Ohio.   Thanks to all these venues & fans who came- so good to see you all!

In Oct. 2022 + Oct. 2023 we again played Two Rivers Music Fest in Dunnellon, FL.   We’ve played this cool event (formerly Jazz Up Dunnellon) 17 times since 2002.   It was great to hear & jam a bit with Keith Caton Blues Band again too!

We were thrilled to hear Ringo Starr in Clearwater, FL 9/26/2023.  He is now 83, but you’d never know it- what a show!   We last saw him when he was 70.   Nothing like a real Beatle in person- wow! 

Sadly, we’ve experienced more sorrow since the last posting.  A fave cousin/musician/supporter passed away during that tour in Aug. 2022…we so miss Steve Garris.   And we had just returned home from the road when my mom, Edna, passed on 9/8/2022, so we had to fly back to Ohio 2 days later.  I played Amazing Grace & Will the Circle Be Unbroken at her funeral, not an easy thing to do.   Since then, we  miss her love, generosity & support immensely but feel so thankful for her.   We also lost Aunt Carol Clark in May, 2022, as well as Frequent Fan Midge Powell in June 2023.

Which makes us even more appreciative of all of you- fans, friends, family.   Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays & New Year…God bless us everyone- Peace on Earth, Love & Music,  Liz  (& Dr. Blues, of course!) 


April, 2022

Greetings from sunny St. Pete, Florida!  Happy to say live music is coming back more since the pandemic is easing, and we’re now working on booking our Summer Tour up north.  We’re excited about playing at the Lebanon Blues Festival in Ohio for the first time on August 6th.  Watch our website for more dates so you don’t miss a thing.  If you have live music at your restaurant, club or festival, please email us for booking info and to become a part of our tour.

On March 19th, 2022 we played our 12th Boogie Woogie/Blues Piano Stomp at the Palladium Theater in St. Pete.  It was a joy to be back since Covid stopped it in 2021.  This year’s Stomp featured Josh Christina, Ethan Leinwand and Daryl Davis, who were all outstanding!  We also had a packed crowd at the Pesky Pelican gig the night before with all three piano players sitting in.  Thanks to the performers and all who came!

Congrats and thanks to the Frequent Fans of 2021:  #1. Wayne K., who attended 20 shows!  And the following, who attended at least 10 shows each:  #2. Jerri E.  #3. Priscilla H.  #4. Ellen S.  #5 Midge P.  #6. Linda M.  #7. Harvey L.  #8. Sue L.  Ask for a free card at any show.

We have a new baby at our house!  Actually, it’s almost 100 years old…. a 1926 Ricca & Son (New York) acoustic miniature upright piano that Liz found on FB & fell in love with.  Only 66 keys, mahogany, & sounds great- simply adorable!  She still loves her 1932 baby grand, and now they complement each other.

By the way, there are decent pianos for cheap or free all over- check your paper or Facebook Marketplace.  If needed, you can google piano movers & tuners nearby- it’s easy to adopt a piano!

Visit our EVENTS page for upcoming gigs in Florida & elsewhere, & sign up for our monthly email list if you like.  We’d love to see you in the crowd!

RIP Cousin Bryan Clark, 69, who helped us book our 1st gig ever with Diamond Teeth Mary, and Rev. Helen Lewis, age 99, a remarkable, supportive & inspirational Aunt.

Thanks for listening,

Dr. Blues  

May 2021

Finally, good news on the pandemic front!  Some music venues are reopening, and Dr. Blues & I are thrilled to be fully vaccinated!  Please get your jabs if you haven’t, so we can get closer to normal ASAP.

In 2021, we celebrate some musical milestones:

25 years ago, we moved from Ohio to Florida.  What a year 1996 was-  we played the Chicago Blues Festival with Diamond Teeth Mary, and also released our (still) best-selling album, Six Fingers Boogie on 6/28/96.

35 years ago, we released our first record, Bluesy Atmosphere on 8/1/86.  HERE’S THE DEAL:  Spend $30.00 on any of our CD’s and/or merch via our website or at any show, and get the CD of this first album FREE.  Already have it?  Give it to a friend.   Deal expires 12/31/2021.  (Will automatically be added to mail orders-  don’t add it to your cart.)

I can’t believe it’s been 45 years since I started playing music professionally in 1976!  Although it’s not always been an easy or lucrative career, I thank God that I’ve been able to do it all this time, and can still proudly say “I’m a musician.”

5 years have flown by since we released our newest album, Quirky Boogie on 7/25/2016.  If you don’t have all 7 of our CD’s, please visit the STORE page & treat yourself!  Your purchases and support are more appreciated than you know, especially these days.

Speaking of support, in spite of our lean schedule since the pandemic began, we wish to thank the loyal Frequent Fans of 2020.  They are:     1. Linda M. who attended at least 20 shows;   2. Priscilla H.;   3. Wayne K.;   4. Judy R.;   5. Midge P.;   each attended at least 10 shows.

Stay careful out there, & hope to see you soon,





June 2020 News

    For over 40 years, my professional life has centered around practicing, preparing, researching & looking for, planning, promoting & playing gigs.   Since this pandemic stopped most of that on March 15, 2020, it sure has been strange.   Dr. Blues & I have spent much of our time at home since then, tackling lists of chores & projects that have piled up over the past hectic decade or so.   For the 1st time since childhood, I went 40 days without touching a musical instrument, partly out of shock & grief over the situation, & partly due to working on so many other things.    

    Of course, we miss playing & seeing our fans, but consider ourselves lucky so far, as we feel for those who have been sick or died alone, & for all those who care for them.    We pray for better treatments & a vaccine ASAP.    

    Thankfully, our 11th Annual Boogie Woogie/Blues Piano Stomp happened 2/15/2020, before all shut down.   This year featured Barry Cuda, Victor Wainwright, Rob Rio & yours truly.   On 2/7/2020, Dr. Blues & I appeared on Tampa’s ABC-TV show Morning Blend.    

     My sister Trish Benedik surprised us & visited that week from Ohio & came to the Stomp.   Trish recently published a book entitled Franchising Without Fear, a good read for entrepreneurs.    Check it out!   Our family also welcomed Trish’s granddaughter Devna 5/1/19.   Niece Shannon surprised us all & brought Devna to my gig at The Golden Lamb in Lebanon, OH last August.   

     A year ago, our Brussels, Belgium friends Andre & Lil Hobus visited St. Pete & came to 2 of our shows.   Avid blues & boogie woogie fans, writers & photographers, it was magnifique to see them again!

     Last September, our kids Drew & Kristen, & grandkids Jackson & Julie (now 7) & Greyson (now 4) visited from Marietta/Atlanta, GA.   They’ve just moved to Charlotte, NC, so will be looking for gigs there when things open up.

     Thanks to our Frequent Fan winners of 2019:   1. Wayne K. (attended 40+ gigs!);    2. Midge P. (30+gigs!);   3. Linda M.;    4. Priscilla H.;    5. Harvey L.;    6. Sue L.;  (each 20+ gigs!);     7. Jerri E.;    8. Ruth Ann L.;    9. Johnny L.;    10. Art O.  (each 10+ gigs!).     Ask for a free card at any show & join the fun!

     We hated to lose the Architect of Rock & Roll, legendary pianist, songwriter, singer Little Richard on 5/9/2020 at age 87.   RIP also to Uncle Gerald Clark, & loyal longtime fans Ralph Nobis and Art O’Hara.   They have all enriched our lives & are missed.

     Especially now,  we’d be mighty grateful if you’d visit our STORE page & order some CD’s & merch.   Hang in there & stay well, everyone.   Hope to see you real soon!
